Marketing Management of Leisure Tourism Services between Needs and Desires

Gheorghe Popovici *, Gabriel Dinu, Loredana Dinu, Jeanina Ciurea

“Babeş-Bolyai” University
UBB University Center Resita
1-4, Traian Vuia Square, 320087 Resita, Romania
* Corresponding author. Email:

Robotica & Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 72-76

Abstract: The paper presents the results of the study on the need for a different kind of marketing for leisure tourism services starting from the needs and desires of tourists to spend their free time in a pleasant way during a vacation. A tourist marketing based on 10 components of the marketing mix is proposed to create the premises in which single tourists feel the need and desire to buy a certain leisure tourist service and the art of convincing them that what they buy is useful for them and at the expected level of quality, everything being seen as an investment for the future in personal, physical and mental development by breaking the barriers of time and space, quick information and open communication.

Keywords: marketing management, leisure services, marketing mix, pleasure principle, leisure time.

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