Kinetostatics of a Robotic Prehension Device Driven by Shape Memory Alloy Elements

Daniel-Gheorghe Vela 1, Ion Vela 2, Calin-Octavian Miclosina 1*

1 Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Engineering Science
Traian Vuia Square, no. 1-4, 320085 Reşiţa, Romania
2 Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Petroșani Branch
University Street, No. 20, 332006 Petroșani, Romania
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Robotica & Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 55-58

Abstract:  This paper presents the kinetostatic calculus for a robotic prehension device driven by shape memory alloy elements. The constructive-functional scheme is presented, as well as the forces that occur in the prehension process. In order to maintain the workpiece orientation and fixing, the prehension force expression and the relation of the necessary driving force are determined.
Keywords: kinetostatics, prehension device, gripper, shape memory alloys, SMA.

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