A Comparison of Genetic Algorithms in Optimizing Controllers for Inverted Pendulum

Thanh-Tri-Dai Le*, Thien-An Do, Quoc-Tuan Le, Viet-Cuong Tran, Van-Thuan Le, Tan-Dung Nguyen, Hong-Duc Tran, Quoc-Tuan Tran

Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE)
Vo Van Ngan St., No. 01, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, 700000, Vietnam
*Corresponding author. E-mail: 19151051@student.hcmute.edu.vn

Robotica & Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 21-27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24193/rm.2023.2.4

Abstract: In our study, we compared classical genetic algorithm (GA) and non-dominated sorting GA (NSGA) II to optimize LQR and sliding mode control (SMC) for an inverted pendulum. We aimed to identify the algorithm that best improves stability and peak performance. Our results clarified each algorithm’s unique strengths. The provement is shown in Matlab simulations.

Keywords: inverted pendulum, LQR control, sliding control, genetic algorithm.

Full text


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